How to Cure & Avoid Dandruff in Winter Naturally?

Winters make your hair and skin extremely dry. This, in turn, increases dandruff flakes on your scalp. Studies show that the flaky, pesky condition worsens during extreme climatic conditions, especially in winter months.

Dandruff during the winter season is a very common issue many people fall victim to. Here, we are going to talk about the ways to combat this issue and avoid dandruff in winter naturally.


Tips to Avoid Dandruff in Winter Naturally

Tips to Avoid Dandruff in Winter Naturally


Dandruff is certainly the most embarrassing and annoying hair woe. However, certain natural ingredients in your kitchen can help you steer clear of dandruff in winter and maintain a clean and healthy scalp. Further, these ingredients do the work without digging a hole in your pocket. Here are ways to help you combat a flaky scalp in winter naturally: 

  • Use Honey and Lemon
Use Honey and Lemon to Avoid Dandruff

Preparing a hair mask with lemon juice and honey can help you get rid of dandruff effectively. Honey possesses palliative properties, and lemons act as a cleanser which makes this hair mask a perfect cure for dandruff. The lemon juice cleanses the scalp of dirt, flakiness, and oil, while honey keeps it healthy and properly hydrated. This prevents irritation and scalp fungus. 

You can prepare this hair mask by taking 3-4 tablespoons of honey as per your hair length. Then, cut a lemon in half, add the juice to the honey and mix it properly. Following this, apply this hair mask to the scalp and gently massage it for a few minutes. Leave the mixture on your scalp for another fifteen minutes and wash it off using an anti-dandruff shampoo. 

  • Use Neem and Aloe Vera
Use Neem and Aloe Vera

Neem has antifungal and antibacterial properties, while aloe vera reduces scaling, itching and provides relief to the affected areas. When these two ingredients are used together, they act as a perfect hair mask and help you get rid of dandruff in winter

You can make this mixture by blending neem leaves and aloe vera gel together. Gently apply the mixture on your scalp and leave the mask for about thirty minutes. Then, wash it off with an anti-dandruff shampoo. 

You can use the Trichup Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for better results. This shampoo comes with the goodness of several exotic essential oils like Rosemary, Tea Tree, and Neem. You can consider using this hair product on a regular basis to maintain lustrous, shiny, and healthy hair all day long. 

  • Use Yoghurt
Use Yoghurt

Yoghurt has been used for ages to combat dandruff and get rid of itchy and oily scalps. Yoghurt can be a perfect remedy for oily skin as it wipes out excess oil from the skin without stripping off the moisture. Additionally, yoghurt has several natural enzymes that treat dandruff, make the hair stronger, and prevent hair fall. 

You can put yoghurt directly on the hair. However, adding some lemon juice to the yoghurt has some extra benefits. First, massage some plain yoghurt on the scalp and keep it for thirty minutes. Finally, wash it off with any mild shampoo. 

  • Use Orange Juice and Green Tea
Use Orange Juice and Green Tea

Green tea can be used to treat dandruff during the winter as it reduces excessive sebum production in your scalp. Further, orange juice has vitamin C and an acidic pH, which reduces winter dandruff. 

Mix the orange juice and green tea properly and apply the mixture to your scalp. Leave the mixture on the scalp for twenty minutes and wash it off using an anti-dandruff shampoo.

  • Avoid Hot Showers
Avoid Hot Showers during winter

We know that avoiding hot water baths during the winter months can be a hassle. But you should know that hot water does more harm to your hair than good. Using hot water for a shower makes the scalp flaky and dry. 

This makes more moil to accumulate due to loss of moisture. In case you cannot avoid a hot shower, try to wash your hair with lukewarm or cold water. Further, limit the hair washes as much as possible and make sure to rinse out the hair products properly. 

More Ways to Avoid Dandruff during the Winter Season 

Besides following the tips mentioned above, you can also follow these ways to prevent or reduce dandruff during winter months:

More Ways to Avoid Dandruff during the Winter Season
  • Dandruff makes the dry scalp very itchy. However, scratching the scalp will make the matter worse. Hence, you should try to avoid scratching your scalp as much as possible. 
  • Massaging almond or coconut oils before applying shampoo hydrates the hair strands and also nourishes the roots of the hair. Further, it enhances blood circulation to your scalp and helps combat dandruff in winter.
  • Hairstyling products with alcohol, such as dry shampoo, mousse, or hairsprays make the scalp dry and worsen dandruff. Avoiding such products can help reduce dandruff. However, you can use Trichup Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Oil & Cream Kit to improve scalp health, and protect from dandruff. 
  • Make sure to clean your hairbrush at least twice every week. This will keep dandruff away from your clean scalp. 
  • Do not tie your hair when wet, as a moist environment enhances dandruff growth. To avoid such issues, you can use a blow dryer, wear a muffler, hoodie, or a scarf to protect your hair from cold. 
  • Maintaining a healthy diet keeps your hair and scalp healthy. Consequently, the risks of dandruff growth decrease. 

The dry and cold climatic condition during the winter months triggers dandruff. You can follow the tips mentioned above to avoid dandruff in winter naturally. Though dandruff can sometimes be difficult to deal with, however, these natural remedies and healthy habits can provide relief and reduce the symptoms. Additionally, making certain changes to the daily diet can help avoid fungal infections and reduce inflammation. This, in turn, helps to treat dandruff. 

You can also consider consulting a dermatologist to know other treatment methods to provide long lasting relief. While these home remedies can be beneficial, your dermatologist can recommend you to use shampoos or topical medications to treat dandruff.